Essex National Heritage Area - Massachusetts

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The Essex National Heritage Area is a 550-square mile area between the Atlantic Coast and the Merrimack Valley. It includes the thousands of historic sites and districts that illuminate colonial settlement, the growth and decline of the maritime industries, and the development of the shoe and textile industries. The Area also features historic seaports and New England town commons, industrial mills and pristine beaches, renowned museums and wildlife refuges, working farms and inviting natural trails. Learn more at our expanded website,

Have you visited Essex National Heritage Area?

  • Do you have a favorite campsite or one to avoid?
  • What is your favorite trail?
  • Any fishing tips, bait, location or types of fish?
Tell us about it.

Facilities available at Essex National Heritage Area:

Essex National Heritage Area website
Recreation Area Map
Park Email:

Phone numbers
Information 978-740-0444

Essex National Heritage Commission, Inc.
140 Washington Street
Salem, MA 1970